Active Tenders
S. No. Title
1. Surat integrated transportation development corporation invites proposals Through e-tendering on single stage two cover bidding system from interested Eligible bidders as per conditions of bid documents for “grant of sub-lease hold Rights for mixed use development, operation & maintenance of vertical space Admeasuring approximately 2,08,975 sqm. Above gsrtc bus terminal building and Further sub-leasing of constructed built-up space (collectively hereinafter Referred to as site), for the term of 90 years

NIT Corrigendum-01 Addendum-01

2. Surat integrated transportation development corporation invites proposals Through e-tendering on single stage two cover bidding system from interested Eligible bidders as per conditions of bid documents for “grant of sub-lease hold Rights for commercial development, operation & maintenance of vertical space Admeasuring approximately 67,020 sqm of total built up area (9,570 sqm bua Constructed by sitco, 28,645 sqm bua airspace and permissible but of 28,805 sqm On plot area of 2,765 sqm in mlcp) at east side surat railway station area for a Period of 60 years

NIT Corrigendum-01 Addendum-01